Tue 9th
Wed 10th
Thu 11th
Fri 12th
Sat 13th
Sun 14th
Week of Events
The changing face of Government Procurement – Auckland
The changing face of Government Procurement – Auckland
At this seminar, you will hear from the leading practitioners of strategic procurement in Government, how they operate and what they are seeking from the supplier community. You will also hear about a pivot in priorities from Government – to ensure procurement decisions take into account economic, innovative, social and environmental outcomes for New Zealand. Come along and hear about the opportunities and what it takes to be successful with the new breed of procurement manager.
Intangible Assets Driving Success and Failure: the Risks and Rewards of a Critical Asset Class
Intangible Assets Driving Success and Failure: the Risks and Rewards of a Critical Asset Class
Intangible assets such as data, brands, software code, client lists, regulatory approvals and confidential information (including trade secrets) account for an estimated 87% of company value. Despite this, many companies diligently track low-value items in their fixed asset register and fail to identify valuable intangible assets which are typically absent from, or under-valued on, balance … Continue reading "Intangible Assets Driving Success and Failure: the Risks and Rewards of a Critical Asset Class"