Week of Events
For all events during Techweek'18 visit the full programme: https://techweek.co.nz/whats-on/
RegPac Presents: The Dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution
RegPac Presents: The Dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution
Which Startup will be the next to lead the 4th Industrial Revolution? Join us on Tuesday 15th May as we find out! Featuring some of the most exciting new Startups in the AI and Blockchain space, watch as they battle it out to prove why their idea will lead the revolution. You will also get … Continue reading "RegPac Presents: The Dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution"
Kiwibank FinTech Accelerator 2018 Demo Day
Kiwibank FinTech Accelerator 2018 Demo Day
Keen to celebrate our founders and the FinTech journey they've been on over the past 3 months? Join us on Wednesday, May 16, in Wellington when the ventures will each pitch publicly and we'll hear from supporters of the programme. Following the formal presentations, we encourage you to stay and enjoy a drink with the … Continue reading "Kiwibank FinTech Accelerator 2018 Demo Day"
FinTechNZ Autumn Connect Event – Auckland
FinTechNZ Autumn Connect Event – Auckland
Our Autumn series focuses on Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including speakers from the Inland Revenue Department and Financial Markets Association on the developing regulatory framework. Plus, hear the local FinTech startup story from RIP Global's founder Mel Gollan and her work towards 'New Zealand as a Digital Nation'. Mel is also taking part in the Springboard … Continue reading "FinTechNZ Autumn Connect Event – Auckland"
Showcasing New Zealand Tech
Showcasing New Zealand Tech
Join a group of New Zealand Tech Alliance communities to celebrate the launch of the AI Forum's research report, Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand. Executive Director, Ben Reid will discuss key highlights, including the potential impact and opportunities for New Zealand. FinTechNZ's Executive Director, James Brown will discuss the growth of the FinTech space and what FinTechNZ are … Continue reading "Showcasing New Zealand Tech"