Webinar featuring local and international speakers in the fintech industry with networking session to connect with fellow delegates.

Join Sandstone Technology and FinTech North for our latest exploration of the Mortgage market and the impact of emerging technologies.

Attend the 2021 INFINZ CONFERENCE 28 October, Aotea Centre Auckland REGENERATE – building an even better New Zealand Addressing Covid recovery, environmental sustainability and the social of ESG. Programme: 8.00am LIGHT BREAKFAST 8.45am Welcome and Mihi

Future of Money webinars from the Reserve Bank discuss stewardship of money and cash, and the prospect of a Central Bank Digital Currency, 28 Oct and 2 Nov, online.

Join FinTechNZ, Blockchain and IBM as we dive deeper into constructs that govern the crypto economics models

Join FinTechNZ for our Annual Meeting being held at 3pm, Wednesday, 3 November 2021 via Zoom.