Cyber attacks tend to increase in times of uncertainty so what can we do to avoid all the new scams that are doing the rounds? Join us to hear from Nick Valentine - DLA Piper, Avani Vyas - Delta Insurance, Jono Soo - Marsh, Chris Hockings - IBM, discussing what we should be doing both personally and professionally to protect ourselves.
Join FinTechNZ to hear from Samantha Wong - Blackbird Ventures, Richard Dellabarca - NZVIIF, Julian So - CFO4U, Darcy Ungaro - NZ Everyday Investor and Serge Van Dam Industry expert and chairman of Montoux on the challenges and opportunities that COVID-19 has had on the ability to raise capital, are the doors still open? Register now to take part in an engaging conversation.
Weathering the Storm - The role of fintech in business continuity. Over the next few weeks, we are focusing on helping you understand the impact of a dynamic situation on business, the role of fintech in business continuity and how the fintech ecosystem is responding. We want to hear from you. What are your challenges? What insight do you need?
Business models are being disrupted and the majority are working remotely, using more technology to stay in touch and transact. What does this mean for fintechs? To find out more please join Bernard Neihaus - Digisure, Tina Groark - Middleware, Michael McFadden - Relay AI and Meurig Chapman - Happy Prime Consulting, for an in-depth look at the new landscape fintechs face.
Welcome to FSC Connect Webinar Series, part of the Financial Services Council's programme to guide, support and educate the sector and consumers as we navigate through Covid-19.
We now see an increased need for utilising online networks to assist the business community in remaining engaged with peers and stakeholders. We invite you to participate in our online virtual series.
COVID-19 has been around for some time, what impact has this had to fintechs and are there some opportunities? Join Pete Weaver - Aider, Andrew Balgarnie - Trade Window and Leeanna Kohn-Hardy - Finnapster to hear how it has impacted them and what the future holds for fintechs.
Drafting new regulation is about striking a balance between negating externalities without inhibiting innovation, while ensuring that the regulation is good for all.