FinTechNZ Autumn Connect Event – Auckland
Our Autumn series focuses on Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including speakers from the Inland Revenue Department and Financial Markets Association on the developing regulatory framework. Plus, hear the local FinTech startup story from RIP Global's founder Mel Gollan and her work towards 'New Zealand as a Digital Nation'. Mel is also taking part in the Springboard … Continue reading "FinTechNZ Autumn Connect Event – Auckland"
Find out more »Showcasing New Zealand Tech
Join a group of New Zealand Tech Alliance communities to celebrate the launch of the AI Forum's research report, Artificial Intelligence: Shaping a Future New Zealand. Executive Director, Ben Reid will discuss key highlights, including the potential impact and opportunities for New Zealand. FinTechNZ's Executive Director, James Brown will discuss the growth of the FinTech space and what FinTechNZ are … Continue reading "Showcasing New Zealand Tech"
Find out more »Techweek’18
For all events during Techweek'18 visit the full programme:
Find out more »Good For The World Open Days
Discover the country that's innovating for a better world. Join us in Auckland for the official opening of the Techweek'18 Headline series What's it all about? Discover the country that's innovating for a better world. Join us in Auckland for the official opening of the Techweek'18 Headline series, the Good for the World Open … Continue reading "Good For The World Open Days"
Find out more »FinTech Regulatory Roundtable Open Banking Panel
Join some of FinTech's Executive Council for lunch, followed by a panel discussion on open banking, including who should be in charge - regulator or industry? And what regulator anyway? What are the risks and opportunities of open banking, and what can we learn from other jurisdictions. Panellists: Zoe Wallis, CFA, Head of Transactions and … Continue reading "FinTech Regulatory Roundtable Open Banking Panel"
Find out more »Singapore Tech Seminar
You are invited to join NZTE and industry experts to find out what Singapore can offer New Zealand technology companies. Why attend? Learn about the tech landscape in Singapore Explore technology and digital market opportunities Hear from fellow NZ tech companies in Singapore about the challenges and opportunities they face Understand investment opportunities and how to … Continue reading "Singapore Tech Seminar"
Find out more »NZTE SEA Techweek event
The talk is really to educate and inspire NZ Tech companies to consider Singapore/SEA and the pros/cons of setting up Business here (including investments and ease of exporting). Agenda 2:30 – 3:00 Arrivals and Registrations 3:00 – 3:15 Opening by Terry Allen, Head of Tech Sector and Hayley Horan, Singapore Trade Commissioner 3:15 – 3:45 … Continue reading "NZTE SEA Techweek event"
Find out more »With new innovation comes new risks
Approaching a tech future – the risk of innovation and the value killers to your business Start-up and high growth organisations are dealing with increasingly complex and changing environments. How do these organisations balance their growth objectives with ensuring that they also adopt good risk management practices? Delta Insurance New Zealand, one of Asia Pacific’s … Continue reading "With new innovation comes new risks"
Find out more »Singapore Tech Seminar
You are invited to join NZTE and industry experts to find out what Singapore can offer New Zealand technology companies. Why attend? Learn about the tech landscape in Singapore Explore technology and digital market opportunities Hear from fellow NZ tech companies in Singapore about the challenges and opportunities they face Understand investment opportunities and how to … Continue reading "Singapore Tech Seminar"
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