Webinar: 4 Day Week Global and FinTechNZ Remote Lunchtime
This is an event run in partnership with FinTechNZ
4 Day Week Global and FinTechNZ invite you to join us for our first in a series of remote lunchtime webinars on the future for the workplace and New Zealand.
Bring Your Own Sandwiches
Our first topic is: Productivity in NZ post-Covid-19
Thursday 21st May 2020
12.30pm – 2pm
Our guest speakers will be:
Phil O’Reilly – Managing Director – IronDuke Partners
Craig Hudson – Managing Director, New Zealand and Pacific Islands – Xero
Jarrod Haar – Professor of Human Resources – Auckland University of Technology
Murray Sherwin – Chair of the New Zealand Productivity Commission
Andrew Barnes and Charlotte Lockhart – 4 Day Week Global
Our MC will be James Brown from FintecNZ.
Productivity in business is a worldwide problem and New Zealand is no exception. Our isolation and economy mean we have a unique set of reasons for our productivity levels. How we respond to this in the post-Covid-19 world will make a huge difference to our recovery and beyond, and to a better and stronger New Zealand economy and workplace.
Please join us to hear from each of our panellists and be part of the conversation that informs business, the Productivity Commission and the Government.