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Kiwi SaaStr’19 Delegation

Callaghan Innovation supported by NZTE are leading another Kiwi delegation to SaaStr Annual 2019 in San Jose.
SaaStr Annual is the biggest SaaS conference on the planet, attracting the worlds’ SaaS founders and leaders to one place for three action packed days.
Callaghan Innovation will be presenting an exclusive programme for New Zealand’s SaaS community around the conference.
This is what you’ll get: 
  • Heavily discounted tickets to the SaaStr conference
  • Skills to ace networking, meeting and navigating a conference of 12,000 people
  • Workshops and advice to prepare you before you leave New Zealand
  • A delegation-only day of in-depth speakers in San Jose
  • Access to our block booking at a Hotel right across the road from the venue
  • And, most significantly, you’ll get to know friendly Kiwi faces before the conference
Applications for financial assistance closed on 8 October. However registrations for the delegation will now be open until 29 October.
There is a limited amount of financial support available for companies who have not attended SaaStr Annual before and who without it would not be able to afford the trip. If you wish to apply for financial assistance, additional questions are required through the registration process.
For assistance or more information, please contact Friederike and Rachel:


Feb 03 - Feb 08
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


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