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Jul 31
5:15 pm - 7:30 pm


MinterEllisonRuddWatts, Level 22, PwC Tower, 15 Customs Street West, Auckland. + Google Map



InsurTechNZ Connect: “How technology can improve customer outcomes in a changing regulatory environment”

The conduct and culture of the insurance sector is under intense scrutiny with pressure from multiple sectors to not only improve industry culture and conduct – but also foster an improved customer-centric, customer-first focus going forward.

Technology has an important role to play in addressing compliance and regulatory needs on one hand, while on the other also creating opportunity for insurers to open up new avenues for consumer engagement and generate new business. Collaboration between insurers, technology solution providers and regulators are key determinants of improved customer outcome

This InsurTechNZ session will receive updates and views from legal, regulatory and technology service providers with the goal to then stimulate debate on the role InsurTech innovation has in improving customer outcomes. This session will include a small group discussion format to generate debate and opportunity

The line up includes:

Jeremy Muir, Partner, MinterEllisonRuddWatts
“Considering the impacts of the Life Insurer Conduct Report and outlining key regulatory developments for both Consumers and Insurers”

Benjamin Roe, Head of Product, JRNY
“The role technology providers have in improving compliance, and the generation of more customer centric – and accessible services”

Joanne Davis-Calvert, Head of Policy & Governance at the Financial Markets Authority
“FMA: An update and overview of the current regulatory framework”

Small group collaborative discussion exploring opportunity, risk and technology
Break out meeting facilitators: Jeremy Muir, Fred BolesKai Dwyer, Joanne Davis-Calvert and Benjamin Roe

The session may have video recording of the presenters for later blog/post production sharing – a great way to spread the word with your colleagues!

We’d love you to join us, please register now as places are limited and we always have a great crowd!