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CANCELLED: Report Launch – Opportunities for New Zealand and the United Kingdom

Due to the recent announcements in relation to COVID-19, FinTechNZ has made the decision to postpone this event.


This is an event run in partnership with Hudson Gavin Martin and the Department of International Trade and is free for all attendees


Please join us for the launch of the upcoming report Fintech Future – Opportunities for New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

This report outlines the opportunities in the fintech sector for greater cross-border trade and investment between the UK and New Zealand. It is aimed at technology and financial service businesses who are looking to build relationships between the UK and New Zealand, and those in the public sector with an interest in trade, technology and financial services.

The session will cover political developments in the UK, the key findings of the report, practical tips on how to set up in the UK, and the panel’s experiences of operating in this market.

Speaker 1  – The Lord Mayor of London – William Russell

Speakers 2 & 3 – Report authors Andrew Dentice and Andreas Heuser will present key findings and outline what these mean for fintech companies in both countries.

This will be followed by a panel discussion.


The Lord Mayor of London – William Russell

Paul Beare – UK market entry specialist

Binu Paul – SavvyKiwi

Claudia Smith – Aply ID


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