Discussing Venture Capital
Kiwi start-up culture and venture capital market is scaling up.
Opportunities for innovative Kiwis to become entrepreneurs or work with entrepreneurs is growing.
Five times the number of startup organisations successfully raised over $1 million from local investors in the first half of 2018 verse the same period last year, according to the latest Young Company Finance Index.
You can meet two young analysts working in this sector on Wednesday 3 April at the Grid in Auckland. Pip Pisamboon (Blackbird Ventures) and Natalie Chapman (ANZ Ventures) will discuss tools and tips to get into venture capital including:
- How to transition from Corporate to start-up;
- Corporate versus traditional venture capital;
- Start-up assessment criteria for funding; and
- Current trends and opportunities in venture capital
Co-hosted by INFINZ and NZVCA and free for NZVCA members.
Who should attend?
Young professionals, analysts, aspiring entrepreneurs