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Webinar: Minister Shaw’s Insights into the Climate-Related Disclosures Bill


Watch the open conversation with Minister James Shaw who gives his insights into the passing of this bill and answers questions on the challenges and opportunities in this space now and in the future.

Climate change is one of the key factors driving responsible investing. Financial markets globally are playing a major part in shifting investment away from emission-intensive activities and towards a lower-emission economy.

With the Climated-related Disclosures Bill about to get its third reading Minister Shaw acknowledged the engagement it was getting from members of the Institute of Directors, who will likely breathe a sigh of relief that the focus of this Bill will remain on benchmarking and monitoring risks within the TCFD framework; and that accountability of transition plans may form a future iteration.

Discover the Minister’s thoughts on considering the establishment of an aggregator of relevant data sets to support the finance industry in this new reporting regime and the use of blockchain to build up trust networks across entire supply chains.

Want to hear more? Join us for our in-person event being held in February in Auckland – Climate Related Disclosure of the Finance Amendment Bill with Minsiter Shaw