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Webinar: Reduce costs & boost efficiency

This event is not run by an association in the Tech Alliance, but may be of interest to some members.

How a Digital Employee can help

Recent events have changed the landscape of customer service dramatically.

Customer service teams are facing a huge challenge; transitioning to remote work, while struggling to manage a massive surge in inbound enquiries.

To ensure your customers are getting the service they deserve, while minimising the strain on overloaded customer service teams, you need to act fast.

That’s why we’re inviting you to join us for an exclusive webinar – Reduce costs & boost efficiency: How a Digital Employee can help. 

I’ll be chatting with Andrew McColl about his work at Tower Insurance on their claims chatbot Charlie. We’ll talk about why now is the best time to act, with real examples on how quickly you can onboard a Digital Employee that automates customer service at scale, and provides 24/7 customer service anywhere, anytime.

See you there!